Done! However.....
Okay - so these potatoes are really terrific. But they are a bit of work. And the latest issue of Cooks Illustrated had a revamped way to make similar potatoes. Which still were a bit of work.
So last week, when I was incredibly lazy but wanted to serve DH very crispy oven baked fries for dinner I improvised/cheated. And the result was so darn delicious "I Ain't Going Back"smileys/smile.gif
Basically I cut two potatoes into 1/3 inch rounds. Put them in a bowl (stuffed them in, one on top of the other) and nuked for a few minutes until tender.
Meanwhile I sprayed a baking sheet/pan with cooking spray and put it in the oven as it was preheating to 425F.
When the potatoes were done I drizzled olive oil on a small plate and put the potatoes on the plate, then turned them over so both sides got oil on them. And I let them sit a couple of minutes to absorb the oil.
Then into the oven they went (no oil drizzled on the sheet - I find that makes them soggy) and baked 10 minutes or so on each side until they were crisped to perfection. Then salted, served, devoured. They were really, really good.