Deb in MI, I am going to try my first batch of cookies from the Milk & Cookies book tonight..


Well-known member
We are going to Williamsburg this weekend with a gang, staying at the home of friends with a big kitchen in which we all love to cook. Daytime will be outlet shopping for the girls so it will be a quick sandwich with some cookies for dessert. Right now it is between the Milk Chocolate Orange Cookies on p. 25 and the Double Chocolate Chip Mint Cookies on p.37. If I have time maybe both!! Have you tried either one yet??

I did the mint ones and they were great! (that chocolate dough is terrific)

I haven't tried the orange yet (Jerry isn't a big chocolate and orange fan) although I adore chocolate and orange combo. If you make that - please let me know.

New Adventures in the Art of Cookie Baking, LOL!!!

It is incredibly, unseasonably hot here. Yesterday it was 96 in my kitchen when I got home from work at dinner time. I opened all the doors and windows to get some air circulating. Then I settled down into cookie baking mode, preheated both ovens, and prepared to bake 3 batches of cookies. Got a pound of butter out of the fridge which came to room temp very fast. Baked the first batch, my favorite salty oat cookies, which did just fine. By the time I was ready to mix the second batch, the Chocolate Mint Chip, the butter was pretty soft. The recipe calls for beating it for 3 minutes to make it fluffy and creamy. After this beating in a 96° kitchen the butter was not exactly fluffy. I proceeded because I have limited time to get everything done before leaving for the weekend. I started to put a tray of cookies into the oven and for once my common sense kicked in and said, just try 2 cookies to start with. Needless to say they just pooled out into giant crispy chocolate wafers--they would make perfect ice cream sandwhich cookies. But that is not what I was after. So I put them all in the fridge and baked them up at 6:30 this morning when it was only 70° and the batter had firmed up. Now they are perfect!!! Thanks Deb, I love them and know the others will too smileys/smile.gif

What a learning experience!!

Wow - so hot there.....

96 degrees in the kitchen - oh my! It's amazing you didn't faint!

Chilling is definitely key to the recipes in the book:) About 8 years back I started put ALL cookies that I bake on cookie sheets and then put in the freezer for at least 30 minutes before I bake. I have an extra freezer in the garage which is perfect for this.

You are a baking SUPERSTAR Barbara!!

Holy cow...96! You can tell the temperature in our house by how cranky I get: 80

degrees is my tipping point.

For years Larry would grudgingly "lower" it to 78 to sleep, but it took a screaming hormonal hissy fit from me to get it lowered to 74. I'd be happier still at 70 degrees, but I'm pretty sure there's case law against murder by thermostat.

Ang, on Sunday I spent most of the day cleaning and raking beds in the backyard...

It is mostly shade and I have a very basic shade garden. The house came with quite a big bed of May Apples and during our 10 years here it has developed nicely. Well on Sunday they were just little white knots at soil level, today they are 4-5" tall and have spread their umbrella of leaves!! I didn't even get any mulch down under them, the hot weather has propelled everything!! And you still have snow!
