New Adventures in the Art of Cookie Baking, LOL!!!
It is incredibly, unseasonably hot here. Yesterday it was 96 in my kitchen when I got home from work at dinner time. I opened all the doors and windows to get some air circulating. Then I settled down into cookie baking mode, preheated both ovens, and prepared to bake 3 batches of cookies. Got a pound of butter out of the fridge which came to room temp very fast. Baked the first batch, my favorite salty oat cookies, which did just fine. By the time I was ready to mix the second batch, the Chocolate Mint Chip, the butter was pretty soft. The recipe calls for beating it for 3 minutes to make it fluffy and creamy. After this beating in a 96° kitchen the butter was not exactly fluffy. I proceeded because I have limited time to get everything done before leaving for the weekend. I started to put a tray of cookies into the oven and for once my common sense kicked in and said, just try 2 cookies to start with. Needless to say they just pooled out into giant crispy chocolate wafers--they would make perfect ice cream sandwhich cookies. But that is not what I was after. So I put them all in the fridge and baked them up at 6:30 this morning when it was only 70° and the batter had firmed up. Now they are perfect!!! Thanks Deb, I love them and know the others will too smileys/smile.gif
What a learning experience!!