We had this last night, it is very good. I made it in the morning, found my
baby spinach was less than fresh, so used Russian Red Kale I had picked up at Farmer's Market, sliced it very thin, and added red pepper flakes, along with lemon wedges. Put a good amount of parm cheese on top. It was in a French Oven, so last night I baked it in the oven until warmed through, took the lid off the last 30 minutes and the cheese got a nice, golden crust on it. Lovely dish! The lemons baked along with the pasta and sauce and they were yummy.
It was a toss-up between using the kale or fresh baby arugula also had on had. Since I have never cooked arugula, I decided on the kale. Next time, will make sure I have fresher baby spinach.