6 Hrs in the ER on a Fri nite/Sat morn - wasn't like on tv....
As I sat there waiting while they ran ever concievable test on my uncle's wife I kept finding myself bored and thinking where is all the excitement that I see on TV? After all it's a Friday night. I kept telling myself that once we hit midnight it would change but it didn't really. No one running in screaming and crying. And dang it, wouldn't you know it, the ambulances bring their fun through another door! No Code this or Code that, only an announcement about doing something until the copier/fax was fixed - did this really merit an announcement on the PA system to everyone in the ER and ER waiting area?
However, there was one guy that came it that was rather 'strange' - almost zombie like with his hand wrapped in a rag. When he came out of triage, they had replaced the rag with a piece of guaze and he must have had something pretty bad done to the very top of his hand so for a while I sat there and wondered what this strange man's story was. He was rather like Anthony Perkins in Psycho only taller and older.
And then a little comedy and a touch of gore. This couple came in, young twenties, almosted dazed. At firstI thought she had a really bad nose bleed until I realized from her nose down to the bottom of her chin was completely 'skinned'. And the guy had several spots on one side of his face that were bleeding as well as his arm and hand. But they only sought treatment for her. After triage they sat on the opposite side of the room. OH - forgot to mention - she was tall and thin, dressed in a long shirt with a VERY short pleated skirt, those black knee high stocking things and high heels. The smallest wrong move and she was flashing everyone and by this time the waiting room was starting to fill up. I'm sure "Anthony Perkins" got a good shot! She would get up and get down and crawl under the water fountain. Go sit down and then go back and crawl under the water fountain. And go up and show the lady at the front desk her lip/mouth and such and say "Is this going to be a lot of surgery?" or some variation of that over and over. Finally I figured out what the heck she was doing crawling under the water fountain - it was a plug in water fountain so she was using the plug to charger her phone or iPod or something. Finally I think she saw several of us having a hard time holding back the laughter at her crawling under the water fountain and other antics so they went and sat outside. This one sweet girl there with her father went out for a smoke and the girl asked her for a light so she asked them what happened and they said they were both drunk and fell - stoned is more like it. But she sat there trying to smoke with her face all busted up - her teeth were pushed back an inch or more the sweet girl said.