DH's Weekend Cooking Lesson......Provencal of Roast Beef

I've made your provencal roast beef several times...it's a winner. Do tell, how did you inspire

Ian to want to cook? I'd love for my hubby to get interested too (beyond my occasional immediate plea, more like half-begging, for a sous chef to help me prep stuff like chopping, grating cheese, etc.) When hubby *does* help in the kitchen, albeit somewhat reluctantly...LOL, I'm just so thrilled, though I know in my heart it's not what he really wants to be doing...it doesn't seem to be his bag. It would be so fun to have him working alongside me cooking and creating various dishes together. Share your secret, how did Ian come about wanting to cook? :eek:)

Last week's effort was very successful so I decided Ian should try something else. When I

called him to the kitchen he didn't balk and was quite enthusiastic about trying something new (to him). Several of his male friends do a lot of cooking and I think that's also encouraging him to do more. Tomorrow we'll also work on some veggies.

My ulterior motive is that Ian become more comfortable about cooking in the event that I become less able to do it.

Ang, I actually have never cooked this roast on a grill but in a regular oven. Once browned

I put the roast into a 325 F oven and use a probe set to stop cooking when the internal temperature reaches 130 F. My oven has an automatic roast setting.
