dianncy64 - your recipe was so good, I scrapped a page using it....


Enthusiast Member
Sincerely and very heart felt THANK YOU My mother would have been overwhelmed as I am right now smileys/smile.gif

I'm actually emotional, What a lovely and wonderful tribute to my mother, I wish she was alive to see this. I have massed emailed it to my family and friends and my sisters are very touched too.

Jan you are very wonderful for having done such a very endearing gesture!!!!!!!

What did you alter ~ curious to know.


i didn't alter much, just the amount of garlic, added green pepper, a bit more onion, browned meat instead of putting it in raw, and increased the red wine to 1/4 cup.

it was DI-VINE, i'm glad you liked the page.

~ jan

How cooool is that?? I've never heard of digital scrapbooking before!

I love your pages - such fun! I gotta look into that. Are there websites that teach you how to do those??

I've passed by your posting on "scrapping a page" which didn't make any sense to me but>>>

finally got what the other posters said and checked the link. So now I know what "scrapping a page" means and very nice too.

Yes, very nice Jan. But I'm confused on how you did it... did you have to type out

the recipe and then take a digital picture of it? I'd love to know more about this. You can email me at dawndo4@graffiti.net if it's a long explanation.

I love the nostalgic looking font! You're so talented. Can you imagine a whole scrapbook made up of family recipes? That'd be nice.

Thank you for sharing the sauce recipe...and the scrapbook page was great.

My daughter did that with her wedding pictures, and it was a beautiful memory scrapbook album she designed using shutterfly, and they printed and bound her digital creation.
