Did anyone watch "The Taste" last night? I like it, but boy, are they tough judges!


Well-known member
I liked the older Jewish lady. Felt bad when she got eliminated. I think it's stupid that they can't change their vote!

'Never heard of Ludo or Brian Malarkey before though. Nigella is going to be the JLo of the group, I think. 'Love her (Nigella Lawson).

I watched and enjoyed. Found it fascinating that they regretted several "no go's" after

meeting the contestants. It's like their opinion of the food went UP after hearing credentials and personalities. Interesting phenomena.

I watched it too and agree with you. I think credentials and/or appearance

came into play after their initial vote. I'd love to see their face after finding out that their thumbs up went to Shrek, a home cook ogre.
