Did you know colored icing can fade in the sun? Well, it apparently does.


So I this afternoon I iced a bunch of cookies pink for my niece's Sweet 16 party tomorrow, they'd requested a specific color pink, and because I was kinda late getting them done, I put them out in my sunroom to dry/harden. It's been 2 hours and I just checked on them. They were not in direct sun, but it seems for a time a tray got some sun. And they've all faded to nearly white. One cookie still shows some pink on one side. I used a brand new bottle of Americolor Gel Deep Pink color. Piped them several shades of pink and now...nothing.

I had SO much trouble with these darn cookies and now this???

Ah Man! Sorry, no words or advise on how to fix, just letting you know I feel your frustration

Well, I kinda painted more pink icing on top of some of them

after they'd dried and I can't tell you how messy and awful these ALL look. Plate garnish is going to be super important, at least I'm good with that.

Felt I needed to put out a PSA on that icing incident though.

My sentiments exactly. This is like Deb's cookies breaking in the freezer. Why doesn't

this stuff happen when it's not critical!

I would write the company. Imagine bridal shower cakes and such in the sun. The color

should hold better than that. I'd also add a review about it on Amazon.

Thanks for sharing this info - you would think that the light wouldn't affect the color, since

food coloring is used in cooked items- I equate light with heat but obviously not the same thing!

Rubbing salt in the wound. smileys/frown.gif I wonder if you set it out in the sun if the stain would fade?

I know the spoonulas are very porous, so that is a long shot. I had to start washing mine by hand, as they absorb the dishwasher detergent and I could taste it in the foods I was stirring.
