Different type of Marble cake...

I think I might have everything for this. I wish she'd given the strength for the gelatin.

But wouldn't the cake have to be perfectly smooth too? Unless this liquid is so viscous that it fills in any pitting in the cake surface.

I also don't understand how you can get those colors with anything other than white chocolate. Okay, maybe the purple ones can handle a light chocolate base.

Must test this!

Ah, now I can see she's using the dark chocolates as is. The colored ones are probably all white chocolate, then colored.

I was unable to view the photos in Michael's link...the one below views for me.



The link is to a food industry magazine. I don't see a recipe in it that uses gelatin leaves.

bummer...all I can see is a Google summary with her name and "gelatin leaves". Oh well, I'll

figure it out.

Or totally screw it up.

It's always 50:50 odds when I'm involved.

It's a recipe for "Chocolote Delice, Coconut Tuille, Raspberry Soil, Coconut Ice Cream and...

White Chocolate and Coconut Raspberries" and it calls for two leaves of gelatin, not mention of strength. It appears to be individual servings of the described dish.

You can search the magazine by clicking on the magnifying glass along the lower right bottom of the screen - that recipe appears on page 27 of the magazine. I cannot see a way to link directly to that page, or else I would.

This might be just up your alley for figuring out what to use - the formula part makes my eyes cross

but when it comes to these things I'm more of a hands-on kind of person. I'd get some gelatin and experiment, based on this little nugget:

1 sheet of gelatin will set 100 ml of liquid into a soft texture (that can be turned).

With 125 ml of liquid, the texture will be wobbly (must be served in a glass).


Thanks all. I just put CI's strawberry mousse to chill as the *base* for the glaze since it seems to

need a "cream base." So much for just throwing it on a cake-mix sample.

Will try later on today to make the glaze.
