Dishwasher detergent found in the stomach. A friend has a relative who is a forensic pathologist

Marg CDN

Well-known member
in Europe who is now reporting that bodies are showing remnants of dishwasher detergent in the stomach.

I'd like to think that low water temp is a key contributor. (that's what I'd like to think)

Cosmic karma payback? Research scientist are finding "facial scrubbing mircopearls"

in the cell structure of ocean sea turtles. Those little scrubbing microbeads NEVER break down and end up washing out to end up inside some big old sea turtle.

Gross. When I boiled a tea towel for canning it made soap bubbles...

and that grossed me out. And I use about 1/4 of what they say to use in the laundry.

It even made bubbles after repeated uses where I rinsed it out/let dry for next use.

Also, I hate those micropearl scrubbers. I knew they were up to no good. I always worried they'd clog the drains. This is so much worse! Glad I don't use products that have them.

For the past year or so I've noticed the smell of the DW detergent remains on

anything plastic (spatulas/cups) and I could also smell it when I heated up a saute pan and a sheet pan in the oven.

I'm avoiding putting anything aside from glass or stoneware in the machine.

My guess is that all the appliances now use much less water than they used to. So,.......

when they rinse, less water is used and the scum stays on the dishes, clothes, etc. I hate our low flush toilets, low water clothes washer, and low water dishwasher. Nothing we can do about it.

Many folks are making their own soap for these units and then using less soap. I love the Tide Pods but unless I wash a big load, my clothes end up with soap in them.

I'm having to deal with one of the new washers. Just saying, don't replace old appliances unless

absolutely necessary.

I had an eye-opener last night. I poured a 1/2 c. milk into a small glass, drank it almost to the

bottom when I noticed a pile (about 1/2 t.) of undissolved large clear granules. I had drunk some of this in fact. It is sitting with water in it and overnight, most of the granules have not dissolved.

I can still 'feel' one spot in my throat where these grains went down.

My lesson also, is to stop working in the dark. Bad habit from youth.

I think I'm going back to liquid detergent, or the smaller grain old version.

And with this front-loading washer, I use about 1 T. Tide in it, otherwise the soap goes on through all the rinses. And the clothes do get clean. The soap manufacturers are not going to like this and I'm sure we're going to see some developments that encourage us to use more soap, somehow.

Erk! I stopped using powdered in my machine a while ago for this reason.

I do think Karen is on to something with the low water usage appliances.

I have had my dishwasher for about 9 years, and have not been able to use any type of powdered detergent in it without the residue and undissolved granules remaining. We have hard water, and I was told that was part of the problem.

This newer issue with smelling the liquid detergent on the cleaned items is bugging me - it is making me rethink using the machine at all.
