DJ's Cookie Drop Update: Success!!!


Well-known member
marg heard back from DJ, and here's the email she sent me:

I spoke to DJ last week, I just have been wracked with a cold which after not fully recovering from pneumonia laid me VERY low.

He received 12 packages in one day!!! And they all send a very warm and happy THANK YOU!!

When I asked him if he received any packages from my friends he laughed, he said " Oh Mama, it was hysterical!! Here I am being called over the PA because there was a huge shipment addressed to me. ( 1 whole jeep, which included packages from family and friends as well) So I got some of my buddies to help me lug the boxes and was ribbed unmercifully because of it.

I knew what they were because you told me to look out for them, so I let them bust on me till I said " Hey, if you want any of this good stuff you all better be decent to me or it's all mine, I know who sent it, and it's not Slice and Bake cookies, it's the Real Deal". He said there was such an abundance of goodies that he let 12 of his buddies take stuff that they wanted 1st, and the rest they put in the snack room for everyone else to enjoy. He sends his very best to each and everyone one of you guys who made this happen and especially to you Michael for orchestrating this. It means a lot to them and it means a lot to me as well.

Thank you again!!

(( margi))

Oh, and marg wanted me to let you know that DJ has re-enlisted for another 4 years. From marg:

"He has to commit to the 82nd for at least another year then can go on to be a recruiter .....or a Drill Instructor. ( this, I do not see !!! smileys/smile.gif) He received a Commendation medal from the Navy for his time with the Marines in the MITT program, which made him happy. And me very proud. He is supposed to be promoted within the year to Staff Sgt. Again, proud Mama."

DJ's my hero!


don't forget Valentine's day is just around the corner. we could really embarrass him with lots of

pink stuff!

When I grow up, I want to be a DJ.

But I have a fear of heights, so the 82nd Airborne is out of the question.

Do they have an 83rd Ground Bound?


Thank you all for being so generous to DJ and his Buds.

He was thrilled with all the goodies and cards and best of all, the good wishes from you wonderful people!
Michael, you are my hero!
You ALL made many new friends in the 82nd 1st Battalion 504 Alpha Co!

Yes Ang, DJ is a Grunt...

A Grunt is an Infantry Solider. These are the men who went through the tortures of a 17 week Basic Training, versus the standard 9 week stint. They have the honor of wearing the blue braid on their Class A's. I do believe that in order to wear that maroon beret and jump with the 82nd one must be a Grunt. The people who are not Grunts are called POAG's. This simply means Person Other than A Grunt. Grunts mock POAGs, a lot! But than again they all mock each other. A lot! When DJ was working with the Maries for those months the ribbing between the Soldier's and the Marines was non-stop. Jar head (Marine) vs Lawn Dart ( Paratrooper) However DJ made some very good new friends during that time. I guess when you are in those situations, they all become family working towards the same goal.
I just can't wait till he is home from there for good.

Hey Marg! Did he say if he got my Australian package?

The post master here was very confused and wasn't sure if it would even get there...

I hope it made it!!

Hi Sandra,,,

Yes he did!! He actually mentioned it because of the very nice card you enclosed.
He said that one was by far the one that travelled the most miles!
Tell the post master that the journey was a success.


That's great!

I'm so happy he got it and he enjoyed it!

Such a brave dude...

Thank for letting me know...
