Do any of you freeze fruit from your trees? How do you prevent it turning to mush?!


Well-known member
I'm new at this and I froze fruit (cut in half and vac-sealed) from my trees, but when thawed they are just complete mush. Help!

The only thing I freeze is Montmorency cherries...

I pit and just put them in freezer bags. They hold up well and make great cherry pies and strudels in the winter. Everything else is either consumed or drowned in vodka and sugar to make winter liqueurs.

Yes, what kind? Some are better blanched before freezing; others can be frozen w/o blanching. . .

Some raw small fruits you can freeze directly, no sugar. Others are better with some sort of sugar or syrup on/around them.

I have frozen figs, cut in half, freeze and then vac seal. You can use them for

cooked things (pizza topping, etc.),
Blueberries freeze well, but again, mostly useful for cooked things which I think is true for most frozen fruit--or use quickly before completely thawed.
DMIL froze blackberries for pies by mixing the fruit with sugar and freezing in a pie dish. Then she would just put the frozen pie makings in a crust when ready to bake.
