I mean, will it be missing part of its soul if I leave them out?
M marilynfl Moderator Jul 14, 2014 #2 I mean, will it be missing part of its soul if I leave them out?
W wigs Well-known member Jul 14, 2014 #3 Striahgt from the horse's mouth--here is what SallyBR said on this subject....see link and see her last sentence, Marilyn.... http://www.eat.at/swap/forum1/226694_Hello_there_Karen
Striahgt from the horse's mouth--here is what SallyBR said on this subject....see link and see her last sentence, Marilyn.... http://www.eat.at/swap/forum1/226694_Hello_there_Karen
C cheezz Well-known member Jul 14, 2014 #6 Yes, it will be missing its soul...it will just be every other apple cake out there
C cheezz Well-known member Jul 14, 2014 #7 If you can't find it, I'll drop some in the mail to you. It only calls for 2 tsp. I got some at an African market
If you can't find it, I'll drop some in the mail to you. It only calls for 2 tsp. I got some at an African market
O orchid Well-known member Jul 14, 2014 #8 I just ordered some from Bulk Foods which I have bought from a few times. I bought the 2 oz. bag which was the best buy I found for $5.99. I just have been so busy I haven't had time to make it yet. I'll mail you some if you'd like. http://www.bulkfoods.com/grains-of-paradise/4980-grains-of-paradise.html
I just ordered some from Bulk Foods which I have bought from a few times. I bought the 2 oz. bag which was the best buy I found for $5.99. I just have been so busy I haven't had time to make it yet. I'll mail you some if you'd like. http://www.bulkfoods.com/grains-of-paradise/4980-grains-of-paradise.html
C cheezz Well-known member Jul 14, 2014 #9 I paid $15 for 5 oz. at my local cooking supply, so I guess that's the going rate
S sallybr Well-known member Jul 15, 2014 #11 Thanks for replying it for me, I haven't been surfing the site much lately.... (sorry) nt