Dodged the bullet called Isaac. Less than an inch of rain. Wishing the best for those in NOLA!

No dodging the bullet in Ft Lauderdale.

I was at a Marriott for a 4 day training and had to change my room twice. The first time the rain was beating sideways across my window most of the night resulting in a ceiling leak that soaked the carpet and an upholstered chair. They changed my room and the second night was the same story, this time soaking the carpet 5' in from the window. I could deal with that although the room was getting smelly as I checked out today. I hope for good fortune for those in this wide storm's path.

Sorry about your stay Janet. We really got some bands of rain

and lots of flooding in most areas in S. Florida. We were on the dirty side which can often be the worst but hey, this is Florida. We're used to it. And it was just a tropical depression, not even a hurricane. Hope your trip here is better next time.

Thanks Orchid, I was there for a training on a new study and not

vacation so it wasn't such a big deal. The good news was that the food in the hotel was excellent. I had all my meals there for three days and never a bad one. Today for lunch was our first venture out.
