Does any have the new Alice Medrich Chewy, Goohy....Cookie book?

I have it. Since many of the recipes are of cookies you're probably familiar with, photos isn't a

priority for me. The techniques she applies and bits of wisdom...granted I'm an Alice Medrich fan...but based on the knowledge she parlays, I think the book is worth 2-3x what it costs. (How many books have I spent money on for "just another collection of recipes"--many of them untested?) Alice's book is what I call a "Game Changer."

I got it right after Traca's interview with Alice. Lot of alternative recioes in there as well..

Gluten free, whole wheat, etc. I haven't made anything either, but it is definitely NOT the same old recipes.

I love reading it, even without pictures!

Alice was here earlier in the month & we had an event with her + samples from her book.

I tried 7 or 8 of the recipes and they were all very good. One surprise was the gluten free cookies. I interviewed Alice before the event and I asked her thoughts on gluten free cookies. She said she hated the thought of taking cookies to school and having part of the room served a delicious cookie and the gluten-free crowd? What are they served? She wanted to develop a recipe that was delicious and distinctively "not a compromise." The goal was a cookie that was enjoyable for anyone, regardless of their tolerance for gluten.

I must say, she succeeded. The GF cookies are delicious.

As with all of Alice's books, I learned a lot from this book and look forward to diving in after the holidays.

As Sandi mentioned, she loves providing the standards (I believe there are three recipes for chocolate chip cookies, depending on whether you like them crispy, chewy or chunky), but there are also some more innovative (gourmet) flavor options. As she puts it, she's "modernizing" the flavor profiles. I don't have the book handy but as I recall, many of those recipes reflect global flavors like cardamom, etc.
