Does anyone else watch MasterChef Junior? These kids blow me away!!!


Well-known member
I have to close my eyes sometimes watching them wield those knives, but their creativity tops most of the adults!

Many folks underestimate what kids can do. We have kids who work at the Farmer's Market

they make change and even suggest recipes. A local Country Organics store is run by a family. It blew me away when I saw a six year old in there ringing up groceries and making change..Irritates me today when some parent feel their kids cannot work and go to school too. Our kids all had jobs growing up and going to school and extra activities. They delivered papers, baby sat, did yard work and our daughter even ironed shirts for a doctor. They all knew how to make change at an early age too. Many teens today can't even count back change and have no clue how to do it. Sad.

Agree. And sadly, w/o developed problem solving skills,

they end up frustrated in their early careers. I read a recent report citing the shocking rise in NOT EMPLOYED males in the 25-54 age group since the 1940's. Roughly 2% of today's men (3/17 statistics quote 1 million) are NOT seeking employment/benefits - and are not considered UNEMPLOYED. They have given up. I know one of these young men who at 28, lives with/is supported by his mom and is not at all interested in looking for a job. Now what? Colleen

The what, here is the mom's enabling that is causing the issue. Not everyone has to be

college graduate, or have a trade. However, I think that everyone has something they are good at and should pursue it. We had a son come live with us for a time when he quit college and was sort of lost. He had to come home, and we put him to work at Liquor Barn, which we owned at the time. He was not happy but we told him it is work or get out. Come to find out, he was great with people, enjoyed talking with them every day. His mind soaked up information like a sponge, so he quickly learned the wine and liquor business. He went back down to Sacramento, got a job with a huge liquor distributor and is making good money. His clients love him, he knows their grand-kid’s names, dog’s names, and he even helps with fundraisers for non-profits, giving wine tasting information. He has a daughter with a Master's degree and a son in his second year of college.

A grandson came to live with us for one year, wanted to leave Ohio. Long story short.... he fell in love with the wrong girl, had a baby with her, plans got shot down. He is a handyman, very smart kid, a tad lazy. I made sure he left after 6 months, which was our agreed upon time for him to get his bearings. He is renting a home, taking care of his daughter, mostly by himself, but he is making a living, and paying the bills. I have given him options for many opportunities here in town, but he finds excuses not to do them. Still in his 20's, so there is still hope that one day he will wake up and get himself some sort of direction. If he is housed, warm, has food and can support his daughter, if that is all he wants out of life, so be it.

There is a lot of work to be done out there, Older folks here have trouble finding handymen, housekeepers, guys or gals who will come and rake leaves, trim shrubs, change light bulbs, put in new filters in the house and the list goes on. They will pay cash and pay well. There is an entire generation coming up who think they are entitled.... but to what? So far, they have earned nothing nor contributed anything. If the kids won't work, send them out to do volunteer work, anything that they are interested in and like to do. Never let them be idle and doing nothing. Volunteer work is amazing, and takes ones mind off of themselves and onto others.

Me too! My sister & I were very accomplished cooks & bakers very young

But pre-internet we were never exposed to the level of sophistication to learn the things these kids know. Ethnic ingredients were pretty much unavailable when we were kids.
