Does anyone have a night worker? We have a grandson living for a few months with us


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and he was able to find a good job within 4 days. He works nights for 4 days then goes back on day shift. I am very confused on how to feed him and would like some hints. He gets up at 4:30 PM and I have a plate ready with leftovers from last nights dinner, usually with a fresh salad or fresh veggie. Tonight it is a rotini noodle dish with a home made pasta sauce and steamed broccoli. He goes to work at 7pm to 7am. He wants one meal and two snacks to take with him. I usually make a sandwich,or pack homemade soup and crackers, then a fruit for one snack and for the other snack, popcorn, or a trail mix packet as an example. Tonight I am making grilled ahi tuna, rosemary orzo with lemon and a salad. So tomorrow night he will have the tuna steak and orzo. He leaves for work at 6 to pick up another worker and we eat around 6:30 or later.

I guess what I am asking is - am I doing this right or is there an easier way? Seems like all I do is think about food these days and what to pack for his meals. He is on a food plan because he works out at a gym an is under a personal trainer and a nutritionist so he has to eat healthy. He has no time to cook for himself except on his days off, and then I do not fix any of his meals except dinner.

My daughter works the 10:30pm-7am shift. She wakes up to eat at 4pm, then sleeps until 9pm.

She cooks mostly on weekends and freezes meals to grab and take with her.

Hubby took high energy, light foods.

Heavier foods made it hard to stay awake. He favored cheese, nuts, apples and grapes.

I recommend crock pot and braised dishes. I worked as a cook for athletes

and they needed a massive amount of protein. First thing to go was soups and salads. (Not enough to fuel them through the day.) What I found worked well was braised meats and protein-based deli salads (think barley instead of pasta or rice and I used a lot of edamame). If he's working out, the protein helps build and retain muscle. The women I cooked for competed internationally at the top of their sport. They were working out 4 hours a day and our goal was a whopping 150 grams of protein/day!

Another idea...He can throw steaks in marinade before leaving for work, then they're quick to throw on the grill. Left over steak can be sliced into pitas or on top of a Vietnamese-style salad.

Thanks for the suggestions...I like the crock pot and braised meats Ideas

too. I am so happy we are going into our warmer months because the Farmer's Market and the grill will be my best friend.

Karen, you are so nice to open your home and to take care of your grandson.

I have not done the 3rd shift; but I had alot of friends that did. My friends tended to eat less at "dinner", just snacked or ate soup. But, then suddenly got hungry in the middle of the day.

I am sure your grandson is trying to work out the timing w/ his system. It is so nice of you to be so supportive of him. He will figure out what works and what he needs.... LOTS of water! Seriously! Agree with the crockpot suggestion. Always nice, especially with his schedule to be able to find something either simmering or simmered and need reheating! : )

Enjoy the special time with him. : )

Thank you Barb....he is a sweet 23 year old who wants to go into the Navy

He is very tall but needs to get his body fat down to 22% before the Navy will take him. It is getting easier to feed him as long as he keeps me informed of his work schedule and gym work-outs. He came out here from Ohio, left his mom (my daughter) and siblings to focus...he said he knew his grandma and grandpa were tough and would help him. So at our 71 and 78 years we have a new adventure. Thank goodness he has his mom's upbeat outlook and attitude, because I am a fussy person about my home and he accepts anything I ask of him with an "OK, grandma!"
