Does anyone have a reliable website you have used to reduce the amount of junk mail you receive?

mail or e-mail-if e-mail, there is usually an unsubscribe link at the bottom, if it's spam you can

block sender.
for regular mail you can usually go to the website and unsubscribe or call customer service and opt out.

I have done this all over, but now I really miss some catalogs!


Thanks Mark, that was the suggestion in our local paper this morning

but I wanted a reference from someone who actually experienced working with one of the sites.

care with that "unsubscribe" link.... some of those emails with erase your hard drive

if you click that link! Some bad people just have waaaaaay too much time on their hands.

you are right,should have mentioned that! I only use it on sites I know,otherwise "use block sender"

Pat, a question...

I went to the site and registered. When I started "opting out" and got to the screen where they wanted me to enter my SSN, I hit the brakes. I entered a bogus SSN and it processed.

Why would they need your SSN??? Did you have any problems with this?

Richard, as I recall, I was only asked

my SS# for opting out of the credit offers (things like insurance and credit card offers), not for any of the other lists I wanted to be removed from. I believe there are 2 choices for opt-out on the credit offers, one where you submit electronically and that lasts for 5 years, and one where you print and mail if you wish it for a permanent opt out. At first I chose the 5 year plan but after I thought about it a few days I went back and chose the permanent and mailed it...I was really tired of getting the prescreened offers in the mail and got to thinking that if I ever *did* want credit or insurance I'd go and search for it myself, and because it bothers me that companies have such access to my personal information, and also the potential of one of these credit offers (containing my personal information) getting lost in the mail and possibly falling into fraudulent hands. It felt right to me to use the opt-out feature for the credit and insurance items, and I must say, since I opted out I haven't received even one offer, so it seems to be working. Also, I'm sure it only works if you give them your true SS#, as that's how companies find *you*...through your SS# and other factors that I identify you through the prescreening of their offers.

Hope that helps. Feel free to ask me more if I wasn't clear (still waking up with java ya Or PM me if you like.
