Does anyone know a store that sells organic peanuts?

My dad used to send us raw, organic peanuts from a place in Georgia

don't recall the name of the place, but they were the largest peanuts I had ever seen....did not know they grew that large, and oh, were they good. This place has good reviews.

You could call Whole Foods to see if they carry them, or local health food stores. If they

don't have them perhaps they could suggest a local source for you.

Thanks ladies! I forgot about Whole Foods...have tried a few other places with no luck

I thought Sprouts would have them, but nope. I have one more to try if WF doesn't pan out. Thanks again!

I often get the best results by asking if they know who might have them (if they don't). Keep

following the leads. Perseverance generally pays off. smileys/wink.gif

Another possibility would be to call an online purveyor of organic peanuts and ask if they supply to a market in your area. I've had good results using that approach as well.

Trader Joes carries some organic nuts, from time to time....Costco too.
