Does anyone know if adding white "chocolate" wafers to 70 percent dark chocolate (the "good" choc)


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in an attempt to make it sweeter and lighter (I don't like the bitter taste of really dark chocolate) would still retain the same healthy properties?

Other than adding fat that doesn't have any benefits like the dark choc, it doesn't subtract any of the antioxidant benefits, does it?

I never quite really understood if "less than 70 percent chocolate" was still good for you, just not as good as 70+ because it added "empty" fat calories.

I'd like to melt some to use, but don't want full-strength dark chocolate and can't imagine that it wouldn't still be good for you - I mean, you're eating it, still, you'd just have to eat more to get the same amount of AO. But that's not a problem! heheh

Any thoughts?

Why don't you use a slightly sweeter chocolate, such as 55 - 60 per cent? Still is a good

source of antioxidants. If that's too dark for you, I would just add some milk chocolate to the bittersweet - I definitely wouldn't add white chocolate - blech.

Meanwhile, cocoa powder is a better source of antioxidants than bar chocolate, and is very low in fat. Here's some interesting info:

"As nice as it is to think that chocolate is healthy, it really isn’t. The main component of chocolate is cocoa butter, which is pure fat (although, like olive oil, a heart-healthy fat). A bar at 70% cacao content contains 40% cocoa butter and 30% sugar, which leaves 30% for cacao particles, which is what delivers the antioxidants. So by the time you eat enough chocolate to actually receive benefits from its antioxidants, you will have consumed more calories and fat than is recommended for a well balanced diet. Cocoa powder, however, is low in fat and calories and consists of 100% cacao particles, thus making it a better source of antioxidants than chocolate."

Thanks for the info, but must be at least 70 to get the benefits...

or so I have always heard.

The addition of milk choco wouldn't give me enough smoothness (IMHO), I don't think. Besides, I like the flavor of white chocolate, oh chocolate goddess :eek:)

That's not correct - it's 55-60 and up. Let me know how it turns out if you add the white.

(I hate white chocolate)! I think milk chocolate would also give it a lot of smoothness, depending on how creamy the milk chocolate is to begin with. I like Valrhona or Dove.

By the way, El Rey makes the best white chocolate that even I can tolerate. It's made only with non-deodorized cacao butter, so it tastes closer to real chocolate than the other brands.

You are still getting the benefits but less by volume. Just think of it

as the same thing as adding cream to regular coffee, you are still getting Caffeine but just less by volume. So even though it is no longer 70 % (or 55 or 60%) cacao, you are just getting Less of it. Or you can think of it as eating the two things separately, still has the benefits of the "good" one.

Good - you just confirmed what I thought - you're eating it, but you'd just

have to eat more to get the same amount of antioxidants. But that's not a problem (wink, wink)!

I wonder....

... if she would accept working in our lab?

We need more people like her!

