Does anyone know if the oats called for in the Texas I Cookbook Oatmeal Choc Chip recipe are quick >

I've used old-fashioned oats in cookies even when it calls for quick

I can't see that it made any difference

Reg. vs quick in baking

I pretty much use old fashion/reg. oatmeal in place of quick in baking all the time, also. Haven't seen much difference. It's healthier (can we say that when talking about cookies???) .

Yes you can say that. I make cookies that have lots of healthy ingredients

eggs, applesauce, nuts, chocolate, oat and wheat bran, peanut butter, dried fruits, spices, coconut. All good stuff.

I use them interchangeably. They yield slightly different textures...

I often mix them. My oatmeal cookie recipe calls for 4 cups of old fashioned oats but I sub in 1C of quick oats because I like the texture better. I have tried this in several different cookie recipes with great success!

thanks Barbara. I do this too. I recently subbed a multigrain cereal blend and found it too dense
