Does anyone know where I can purchase clear covers for a blender and food processor? I

Another idea would be to simply find some nice clear plastic bags

to hang over your unit. They come in so many sizes, so unless you want them specific to your purpose, that would be a less expensive way to go.

What about those bags they put around gift baskets? Nice, shiny, and clear. Would that work? You could go to a store that makes gift baskets, take your measurements in to them and ask if you could buy a couple of them.

After Marilyn posted that suggestion, I Googled again and there are several of the clear plastic

covers for sale on eBay and Esty....check Pinterest too. This may be a vintage product and you may have to keep an eye out on eBay for them.

This might sound odd, but there is HEAVY clear plastic at fabric stores that can be stitched.

You know...custom couture for your appliances. On a machine. By someone more clever than me.

I grew up with aunts who had their ENTIRE LIVING ROOM COVERED IN CLEAR PLASTIC.

When I finally donned a white disposable suit and booties to go into the satellite clean room at our facility in New Jersey, I felt like I had stepped back into my Aunt Dorothy's living room....right down to the plastic lining the entrance.

Of course, she didn't hit us with a burst of air first. Just the glare on her face was enough.

I see you as a vision of Doris Day in "The Glass Bottom Boat" . remember the clean room area and

when she got her high heel stuck in the grate? one of my feel good fluff movies.

love love love it. sillyness for sure, but you will enjoy the vintage space engineering stuff. fun

and Rod Taylor.
