Does anyone make 6-inch cakes?


Well-known member
I'm wondering if there is a secret to how high to fill them? I have two pans and I filled them about 2/3 up but the sides overcooked (inner 2/3rds were great/moist). Any advice?


Two thoughts...

What temperature did you bake them at? You may want to lower it by 25 degrees if this is a problem.

Also, have you tried using the strips you moisten and wrap around the cake pan?

I usually fill 6" pans 2/3 full as well and usually don't have a problem.

Moistened strip? Please tell me more!

I did lower the temperature by 25 degrees when I baked them. One of the problems was that at 2/3rd full the cake really 'domed' and the center took a while to cook. I ordered a few more pans and I'm going to try to only fill them 1/3 of the way or so.

Thank you!

I like using a clean, wet terrycloth towel, on a cookie sheet. . .

Put the pan(s) on the towel, push the towel up around all the sides of the pan(s); cook as usual in a pre-heated oven. Works for me; I love old "beater" bath towels and hand towels.

Just don't use a towel with fabric softener on it--no cake tastes like fabric softener, does it? smileys/smile.gif

I do...but I don't own pans made for that.

I took the foil pans you buy in the grocery store and bent them into small pans. Then I just keep an eye on them. I haven't run into over baking the sides. I think I fill the about 2/3...just normal. But I do 4 layers using 4 pans.

See if this blog has any info, she does smaller cakes

A flat cake is another plus to using the strips - mine come out flat-topped every time!

I love it for my 12x15 rectangle because it bakes so evenly all the way through and flat on top.

For homemade chocolate cake batter, I put 300-350 grams in 6 inch pans.

If I'm just making 1/3 of a box mix (1 egg's worth), that batter fits a 6" pan. It does tend to dome a lot, so the cake wrap idea is a good idea.

Wet terrycloth towel strips will work also if you want to test the idea before buying strips. I use long T-pins to hold the strips tight.
