Does anyone make savarin? I keep finding that the syrup is too bland and seems like

Marg CDN

Well-known member
water to me. Every recipe I see, is the same. A simple syrup of 1 c. sugar and 1 c. water at plus 1/4 c. liqueur. Anybody else feel the same?

Even Lenotre offers this recipe but I really want more flavour.

I also find the syrup bland, I've used whiskey...and rose water and....

orange juice and cardamom (but strained the syrup) and I dont make them anymore

me too. also, put other flavorings in the syrup...

citrus peels, vanilla, etc. to the simple syrup preparation. Anything to boost the oomph on the flavor meter. I like a bourbon, vanilla, tangerine, lime, and grapefruit combo.


Rosewater too, as Joanie suggested, is another great flavor to add. But a lot of people don't like rose flavored desserts in these parts. I have to use that one judiciously.

Marg, here's a few variations from my bookshelf:

Cookwise by Shirley Corriher

1 C sugar
2 C water
zest of 1 lemon
zest of 1 orange
1/2 C Myer's Dark Rum

Let sugar dissolve in water & zests, then add rum. Use all to saturate brioche. Warm 8 oz of apricot preserves and use all to coat.

Pastries from La Brea Bakery by Nancy Silverton

1 C water
1 1/2 C sugar
1 vanilla bean, split & scraped
1/2 C orange flower water

Boil water/sugar/bean for 1 minute, cool, add orange flower water.

Cake Bible by Rose Levy Beranbaum

These are the same ingredients you mentioned, but a different ratio...sweeter with more alcohol.

3/4 C sugar
1 1/4 C water
6 Tbl dark rum

Boil sugar/water, cool & add rum

Glad I'm not the only one to find it bland, like cake that's been left out in the rain. Does

Mount Gay have the spices like Planter's?
