Does anyone remember a poem/jingle about peas and carrots? I had a "moment" with my sister..


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our dear Nana, who passed away many, many years ago, used to say a poem about peas and carrots and something about the pot. She said this anytime/anywhere she saw either peas or carrots.

I was with my sister this past weekend, where carrots were served....And suddenly, this memory hit me...While my sister remembered it, and we did to a "ka-ching" ((I know there is no spelling for is to replicate the sound of two wine classes hitting each other))...Neither one of us could remember the poem.

I do not think our Nana made the jingle up; but rather, just thought it was funny. Kind of a play on words..Peas/ using the bathroom/ in a pot

Any thoughts/ideas on what the poem/jingle would be greatly appreciated!!



Pease pudding hot, pease pudding cold, pease pudding in the pot nine days old,

Some like them hot, some like them cold, some like them in the pot nine days old.

Not a jingle, but maybe what you remember?

dh introduced me to "Old Chinese Proverb"-
"Woman who cooks carrots and peas in same pot is very unsanitary."

Another that involves only peas, is from either A.A.Milne or Ogden Nash-

I eat my peas with honey
I've done it all my life
It makes them taste quite funny
but it keeps them on my knife.

Judy, that's the one my Aunt used too, except didn't call a proverb, it was kinda

you don't want to eat at her house, she cooks carrots and peas in the same pot....

and then she would start laughing....

thanks Barb, remembering that about my Aunt is just filling my heart with sweet memories!

I always think of Forrest Gump. He said he and Jenny were like peas and carrots

meant to be together.
