Does anyone watch Laura Calder's French Food at Home?


Well-known member
I've noticed her knife that she uses all the time for everything. It has the notches on the sides, seems to have a Japanese symbol on one side and possible MAC on the other (not sure if this is the same knife, however) side.

I know Mac knives is one of her sponsers.

Yep. Larry recorded a show for tarragon chicken with creme fraiche. Yummy.

It wasn't until this week that I realized we ate 1.5 CUPS of heavy cream >> converted to creme fraiche with buttermilk. For the two of us! I could have just swallowed a wine cork to clog my arteries as effectively.

That was the same day I made her lemon madelaines. I have to say her explanation was severely lacking. Online I read to butter/flour the pans and put them in the freezer first. I did a test (against an unbuttered/room temp pan like she used) and it made quite a difference in "baby bump" rise and color. Also, online said to mix up the batter and let it rest for an hour.

You have to be careful with her recipes. She needs a good editor for her show. But I liked the

concept. It was a CDN show but not on here for about 4 years. Are these shows current??

Yes, that's a MAC. I have the one you posted a link to, Mar, but hers is longer, more pointed.

Guess What! I emailed Laura Calder via her blog. I got an automated response

back politely telling me she was sorry but could not answer all questions to her...but wishes she could. The email included questions most folks ask with answers...all of which had nothing to do with the Mac knife she uses on the show.
However, this morning in my email box there was another email from her and it was her personal answer to me. Here it is, copy and pasted in here. What a nice lady she is.

"Dear Karen,

I used MAC knives on the show, yes. They stay quite sharp, with good care, but in my experience they are quite fragile and don't last. I would suggest you look into something German made such as Henkel. There are other brands, too, but names aren't coming to mind just at the moment.

Hope this helps, and happy cooking!


I love her. And my Shun. Though you have to be very careful to dry it well, I swear

this is one of my top tools in the kitchen. I only have a chef's knife but it serves for 90% of my cooking. Well worth the $100-ish investment.
