Does eggs in the dough make breads go stale faster?


Well-known member
It seems like every time I bake bread that contains eggs, it goes stale really fast. Is it the eggs, or is it my imagination?

I think they make it stay fresh longer. The lower the fat the faster it goes stale. I think milk

helps it stay fresh longer. I keep intending to buy some liquid lecithin to add to bread dough. It also helps it keep longer.

Melissa...check with some of your friends. They might have lecithin capsules sitting

around...ask for 6 of them, squeeze out the liquid (prick the soft casing with a needle and squeeze out the lecithin with a pair of a better grip on the little suckers rather than squeezing between your fingers and having them shoot across the kitchen. Not that I know this from personal experience or anything).

That way you can give your bread a test run and see if it makes a difference, rather than buying a bottle and finding out it doesn't work. They're like Vitamin E capsules.

Lecithin is fat. 1 TBL = 100 calories fat.

I'll do that. Thanks for the tip. Things like rustic breads are a big problem to make when you

live alone when they go stale in just a day or two if you don't immediately freeze them.
