Don't forget your free (with coupon) donut at Tim Horton's today - National Donut Day

Hmm, also at Dunkin' Donuts, but no coupon required. (Don't ask me how I know this.) smileys/wink.gif

Eighteen. (warning: don't read this if you don't want your donut experience ruined)

Remember this number: 18.
As in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.
Or think of it as 10010 in binary. one waxed paper...

...that’s how many napkins it took to blot the fat from a cake donut.

Several months ago, I picked one up in our work cafeteria. Standing there, I gave a moment’s pause because—stored somewhere in the M&M-riddled recesses of my brain—I remembered that a jelly or glazed donut has less fat & less calories than a cake donut.

Me being overweight me, I completely ignored that memory and grabbed the cake one because:
1. I’d been craving a cake donut for over a month and had fought the temptation daily
2. I don’t like raised donuts: glazed, jellied or any other permutation. I like cake donuts because they are, basically, little cakes.

At the break-room near my desk, I zapped it--still wrapped in its waxed paper--for 15 seconds to warm it up.

Got back to my desk, set it down, opened my coffee and then picked up the donut. There on my desk was a puddle of grease that had seeped through the waxed paper. So I picked up that warm puppy and placed it on a double napkin, where it soaked right through. Then I sandwiched it between two more napkins, gently pressed down and guess what?? Those napkins were immediately saturated. Then two more became saturated with grease.

It turned into a morbid fascination: take two napkins and press down...then take two more. And two more. Until finally it totaled 18 napkins before the now-totally flat donut stopped oozing.

And guess what? I still ate it....just to get that craving out of my mind. And the word oozing.

All I could smell was grease. And all I could feel was the grease on my hands and tongue, the grease on my desk and in my stomach. And I've held ONTO THAT MEMORY.

I may never have another cake donut again for as long as I live.

Or at least not while I have this particular brain.

Marilyn, you are a sage among us, but I don't believe the good Lord intended us to nuke doughnuts.

If he had, clearly, a dozen crullers would come with a tiny microwave.

I'm kidding. But it never even occurred to me to microwave a doughnut. As long as they're not stale, I like 'em warmish or room temp, but maybe I'm weird like that.

As a former donut-shop worker, let me suggest your donut was not properly cooked. Very often, a

donut shop isn't diligent about keeping it's oil at proper temperature because of the time needed to restore temp between batches. What happens then, is the batter is dropped into under-heated oil, absorbs said oil (in this case, apparently 18 napkins worth) and emerges as a frying-oil saturated sponge.

When the oil is at the correct temperature, immediately upon being dropped in, the batter exterior seals and the heated oil then bakes the interior. A properly cooked donut is NEVER oily. I'm just sayin'.

Yes- I've made a lot of cake donuts over the years and if the oil is correct temp they are not oily

So THAT'S why I prefer cake donuts over yeast ones. One day, a guy

at the counter had a completely confused look on his face after I asked him what kind of "cake" donuts they had that day. I had to explain the difference to him :eek:0 Then he asked me if I wanted plain or glazed (he still didn't get it!).

I never thought of it either, Erin, until moving to "Krispy Kreme" donut land and their

"HOT NOW!" neon signs flashing on and off. If it's flashing, that means the donuts are coming through on the conveyor belt and you can get them still hot.

Once, in the middle of the night I woke up and looked over and saw that Larry was awake too. I turned to him and said: "Do you want to go out for hot donuts?" It was 4:00 am!

The fact that he didn't even blink before saying "yes" is a clear indicator of why I married this man.

Krispy Kreme is the evil force that told me you could nuke a donut to bring back that "hot donut" taste and...along the way, remove all the flesh from the roof of your mouth with molten sugar glaze.
