Don't know if this was posted before - Bacon Lovers Beware - BACON EXPLOSION

Eeeek! Tin. Foil. Haaaaaaaat!!!!

You would never guess that I have lost 2.4 pounds this week, maybe the bacon diet is working - LOL.

AWESOME!!!! A Sausage Reouladen in a Woven Bacon Mantle!

Although, since the weave doesn't get rolled with the stuffing, why assemble it on top of the weave? Why not form the tube, then place on the weave, then roll?

Also, I'm thinking of some nice pesto and cheese filling sealed in the sausage roll would be rather nice.

I wonder if the sausage stuffing is easier to release from the bacon weave, so...

...that's why they do it that way. Bacon has that lovely built-in grease coating.


PS: I'd eat re-bar if it was wrapped in bacon and broiled.

CoWorkers & I are already trying to one up it

We're thinking why not make it a breakfast bacon taco/burrito then it would really be perfect on biscuits. Fill it with some eggs, cheese, salsa, jalepeno peppers, maybe even some 'hash brown' potatoes.

But my mind is still going around and around at the possibilities.

It's on the to do list for Sunday - make it and smoke it.

Think I am going to get either some apple wood or pecan wood so it's not uch a heavy thick smoke flavor. I was also wondering about some chorizo but I'll start with making some fresh sausage and this idea then I can play around with more ideas later.
