RECIPE: Double thumbs up on Orchid's posted rec: Sweet and Hot Mustard I followed the rec; and made 6

Also gave my tea group Cyns posted rec: Bacon Jam!~ This also rec'd rave reviews. dh had quite

a difficult time distributing our goodies for our tea group. ((He wanted to keep them for himself!))

This is yet another keeper. I used 2 lbs bacon, and doubled the other ingredients. Was able to get 6+ 4 oz jars. dh did taste test through out the cooking : )

Thx Cyn for posting the rec.

Oh, I'm thrilled you gave it a go! I have wanted someone to make

it for so long. It is a bit on the spicy side but I love a tray of cubed meat, like salami, and cheese cubes to dunk in the mustard. So yummy! I have always wanted it to be a little thicker but I don't know how to get there. Do you have any ideas? Thanks for letting me know.

Amazing isn't it? I have half a jar left...had grassini, blue cheese and jam for lunch.

So glad you tried and enjoyed!

Thanks, Gretchen!

I cooked it over a double broiler for about 7-8 minutes.I could not find my thermometer; it turned

out perfectly. I whisked constantly. It was a nice spicy and just SCREAMED for some pretzels! Thanks for the fun recipe!
