Dreamy culinary moment: Lunch w/ Rick Bayless later this month. Squee!!!

He did a pop-up in OKC recently as a benefit for tornado victims.

He was very generous with the guests and we all got an autographed copy of the new cookbook. I love the Topo margaritas and the guac with strawberries. I'm sure you will have a great time.

Years ago, I attended a 5 day cooking school in Mexico, I watched every video of

his I could lay my hands on in preparation. (I like to 'study' before hand so I can absorb the micro part of the learning, rather than the macro/new concept aspect.)

Then a couple years ago, I sat 4 feet from him during a 3 day conference. I didn't have the nerve to say hello.

Rick truly won me over when I was making tamales one year. I asked on Twitter, what's the difference between corn husks and banana leaves, flavor-wise? He responded right away. (The banana leaves impart a vegetal essence.)

Anywho...I'm still getting palm sweat thinking about this lunch, but I keep reminding myself, "It can't be as bad as that lunch with Mark Bittman!" (He was a total jerk.)

Honestly? It's like a series of blind dates...with really famous people....

It's got all the same dreaded anxiety...and yet, at the end of the night, I KNOW I'm not getting any action! smileys/smile.gif

He strikes me as really nice, saw a cooking demo with him and he was very laid back

Now hoping it's the same in real life...I'm so excited for you!!!

He sure seems to be . . .

I see him several times a summer shopping at the Farmers' Market in Lincoln Park. I think he's usually instructing staff or a class, as there is usually a large group with him. But he's just a regular guy. We also see Gale Gand and other noticable chefs shopping.
