Eastern US: How bad are you getting hit tonight?

not bad at all, richard. so far. the significant icing, though, should hit overnight.

We are waiting for ice down here in Texas, too. This afternoon we left for Austin and it was

58 degrees. When we got home at 7:30 it was 32. The wind is howling, and I don't think I'll make it to the gym tomorrow morning!

I had my house open today but ended up turning the AC on, humidity after fog. It's supposed to be

cooler in a couple days but not as cool as last week.

Yep, me too Marsha but it's been a glorious week hasn't it? I love

sliding all the doors open!

South Jersey Snow here (RAIN) Had a few inches of snow last night now its a slushy mess.

Winters are so drab and dank around these parts.

Nothing the night you wrote, but today it's supposed to snow all

day. Not quite as bad as Cyn, though - only about a foot. No ice, 20 degrees, just very fine/fast-falling snow. It's different from the lake effect snow we've gotten most of January (cold winds blowing across "warm" Lake Ontario dumps wet, heavy snow onto Syracuse until the lake freezes over). Cat just came in as a white cat (he's dark grey and was only out to pee, about 5 minutes).

All the schools are closed. Ahhhhh, I can smell the chili cooking.

An inglorious snow-ice-slush mix. Luckily, everything within a five-block radius delivers. smileys/smile.gif

Taking an ice day. 25 this am with freezing rain/sleet from about 8:00 p.m. til

midnight last night. Nobody down here has tires/clothes to cope. Sanding trucks only enough to hit major highway interchanges. I'm not going skating with an 8 year old small pickup that only has 35K miles and no dents. Can't afford to replace it. Not afraid of own driving, just the other idiots on the road.

had to laugh at Pres Obama's comment about getting some Chicago grit into the DC

school district. he chuckled that his daughters had a snow/ice day----for this??
