Electric carving knife - any opinions?


Well-known member
I'm thinking of buying my husband an electric carving knife for Christmas and wondered if people had opinions on them one way or another?


Cook's Illustrated likes them, even though they're usually reserved for only...

...one task.

They liked them for meat slicing and bread slicing, if I remember correctly.


Meh. I avoid single-use tools. My parents had one and it only came out at

Thanksgiving. They're noisy, only get used once or twice a year, and can you cut a piece of meat without one? Yes. Electric carving knives, in my book, are right up there with egg separators. (Extraneous kitchen gadget.)

We've had a Black & Decker for years and love it but we use it for bread slicing only. DH likes

to use a knife for turkey and Roasts.

O.K. thanks for the feedback. I'll move onto another

idea. To my way of thinking though men are far to practical when it comes to buying presents. smileys/smile.gif

We have one and I love it. It keeps Bub from "carving" my roasts

and turkeys. I am going to buy one for my SIL since we have TD over there and her knifes are about as sharp as butter knives. It's good for slicing bread too. We don't use it a lot, but I would buy another one if this one broke.

My parents have had one for years; love it for turkey and beef. Less carving time, more even pieces!

Alton Brown loves his. We had one as a kid...

it only came out on turkey day and was sorta cool in a lets play with chainsaws kinda way. It was LOUD.

Alton use to have all his gadgets and reasons for them on his site, but it looks like he pulled the info and sold it in a book now.
