Emergency question: BIL is making his famous red sauce and eight burner


Well-known member
restaurant stove had a slight explosion!Gas turned off and no repair because of the holiday. Any of you ever cooked pasta in the microwave? Sauce is being cooked low and slow in the oven but we don't know how to do the pasta.

Nope, never done it...BUT, mac and cheese boxes (my silly indulgence) do have micro directions

SO, I would imagine that the small pasta will work. (Would not think it would work for penne / linguine, etc).

I haven't done it but here is what the GE Microwave Cooking Guide says...

published in 1979.

Power level is High (10)

Spaghetti or linguine 16oz pkg 13x9x2-in dish 6 to 7 cups water, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon oil 16 to 19 minutes Rearrange after 10 minutes.

Rotini 16oz pkg 3-qt casserole 6 cups water, 1 teaspoon salt 13 to 16 minutes Stir after 10 minutes. Check rotini after 10 minutes as this cooks faster than other types.

They have other types of pasta, let me know if you are cooking something else and I'll check.

Hope everyone is alright!

I think your wattage will affect those times/possibly the amount of water needed.

Here's a link with instructions for a 700W microwave. My microwave is 1100W, so I would need to reduce the power percentages accordingly.

For example, if the linked recipe said to microwave at 50%, that would mean 700W is reduced to 350W for the cooking time.

To get the percentage I would need for an 1100W microwave, divide (350/1100) and set the power at 32%.

A 600W microwave = 350/600, so set the power to 58% (or round up to 60% power if it can only be increased by full units)

Does that make sense?


Do you have one of the deep turkey friers? Fill with hot water instead of peanut oil and boil away.

If that works....

I don't know...don't have one.
