Ennybody wanna cook eggs?

We haven't had that yet Michael, and I hope we don't, 105

Last year we had 112°. Wonder whey we live here anyway, sometimes.

102F here - and my AC is broken. The therm was maxed at 120F in my sunroom w/windows open.

I remember as a kid going to my aunt's in Palm Springs and it was 120F. If you stood up in the pool you were instantly dry.

My BIL's little brother visiting from Michigan wanted to go to Palm Springs and it was summer. We tried to talk him out of it, but he went. His dad owned a car dealership so got a local one to lend him a car. A brand new car. Which he left locked with the windows up in the sun for 3 days while he was in the hotel. When he came back all the ac vents in the dash had melted. Not good.

Thanks O! But I just bought a big bag of both lemons & limes so I'm flush.

They worked out to 50 cents each and I thought THAT was a bargain.
