

Damn. 37 Scrabble points.

This was a pain with all the different elements, but none were difficult (except I screwed up the chocolate icing detail, which is odd because I've done this technique lots of times...)

anyway. Super-easy dacquoise, super-buttery pastry cream, a good apricot spread, super-super sweet faux fondant and way too much chocolate because I made a mess trying to feather it.

And then I set the entire cake on a piece of Oblatne wafer sheets that I found in....wait for it...WALMART.

Go figure.

I bought a package for myself and gave a package to Angie. Told her if she didn't use it for pastries, she could mount it on the walls for sound insulation.

All in all, I'm pretty impressed with how it turned out. A touch too sweet for my taste, but if I left off the faux fondant and the extra chocolate, I think it would be just right.

However, what I really needed was a jig to level the dacquoise and icing a form you used to scree wet cement to keep it level.

I don't think they make sidewalk screes cake-size, do they?

Olga, thank you for your nut grinding advice. I did notice a considerable difference when

hand grinding the hazelnuts (and walnuts last week). They end up very light and fluffy with almost no oily feel at all.

I still can't find a counter-top clamping grinder like my mom's but used a small French cheese grater (Mouli) that worked well enough for my purposes.

Sending samples of Penzy's 4S and Smoked Paprika out to you on Monday

Look for it later next week smileys/wink.gif Colleen

WOW!!! If you see a car from NJ in your driveway, it is dh, my in-laws and me! I can't wait to

show them your pic! WOW!! I am in awe!

Thanks all! No Lana...that tool (which I have) is for slicing baked layers. This

problem deals with the unbaked meringue batter, which does not level itself during baking. And since the finished cake is so thin, the thickness difference is very obvious.

Also, the icing between the layers is soft so that is only as level as I can eyeball. I just think the sliced version would look prettier if everything was level...this is the Inner Anal Retentive Marilyn speaking now.

You're a sweetheart! Thank you! I hope you'll understand if I don't like it...the odds aren't

exactly in its favor, historically speaking.)

Just a curious question--do you like paprika itself? It is a combo. I don't use it

in large queatities as others have said, but in BBQ rubs and sauce it is really terrific (to me) for a depth of flavor and touch of smoke. I also do not over smoke things like pork or ribs--there is an element of "burnt" if overdone.
