European horse meat scandal - romanian mafia has mixed horse meat in ground beef and even >>>

I don't seems automatic to be grossed out, but who decided cows were ok and horses weren't

We eat just about every other animal - including their yucky parts - so I don't really see a problem with this...except that the public has a right to know what they're eating

I agree .... more

I agree that if it is OK to eat beef it is OK to eat horse meat. I agree that one has a right to know what they are eating. What people who are opposed to eating horses tend to say is that they have a different temperament/mentality than bovines and therefore the transportation and slaughter process is more stressful for them. That is probably true. Bottom line - all animals we eat should be handled carefully and treated in a humane fashion.

I was chatting with my mom and she recalls buying horsemeat in NYC

to feed the dog, it was from the butcher but sold for dogs only. I know they eat horse in France but since they are such feeling, knowing creatures it would be hard for me to eat one. Cows are not so emotionally tied to me. I prefer my local butcher who buys whole animals and then uses every bit of them but when I eat out I have been wondering about the origin of things. ew.
