Evaporated milk?


Well-known member
Why would a recipe for clam chowder use evaporated milk instead of milk or cream?

Easily kept in the pantry? What their Mom/Grammy/Great Grammy used? (more)

There are sure a lot of clam chowder recipes out there calling for condensed milk!

And might I add that there is always the "that's the way we always have made it" reason as well.

I think that it is just a pantry staple put to tasty use when you have lotsa clams. You don't need to run to the store to by cream or half and half, it is thicker than regular milk with more concentrated "milky" flavor, and will yield a chowder creamy tasting but not super heavy-rich.

That's my best guess!

Richness. Has a touch of sweetness. The recipe from Charleston Receipts that I use

for scalloped oysters uses it. And as the other post suggests, it could be the time of the recipe writing. I try to keep a can on my shelf, particularly for a sausage and corn chowder recipe that uses it--and it's better with evaporated milk than cream or half and half.

I thought it was because evaporated milk won't curdle with long cooking times and heat.

It's also thicker than milk, so it makes the soup creamier without the extra fat from cream.

*long* cooking times - can't edit title.

I always keep evaporated milk in the pantry

Different flavor than regular milk or half and half but so handy to grab when refrigerator is out of those. I have several recipes that call for evaporated milk (ie see the cinnamon roll recipe I posted in the recent Monkey Bread thread). I am not surprised to see it used in chowder; I have used it this way. I always have cans of evaporated milk in the pantry.

I use evap milk in several savory recipes

instead of cream. I find that it lets the other ingredients shine through better than cream which can mellow flavors.

Pam and others, please post your clam chowder recipes

I have all of the ingredients to make but my last attempt wasn't great. Part of it was the canned clams I used but overall, the chowder wasn't the tastiest. TIA, Colleen
