Ever had one of those cooking nights?


Well-known member
The other night I decided to make chicken tetrazzini--it's my ultimate comfort food. However, it just turned into a series of mini-disasters. I got the iron skillet too hot for browning the chicken; luckily a little water took care of that. But then I burned my fingers trying to shred the chicken once it was cooked. Then I realized too late that my saucepan wasn't big enough for the cream sauce so I poured it into another saucepan, spilling it onto the stovetop where it burned (the smell of burned milk ain't pretty), then realized that I needed a MUCH bigger pan for the noodles and had to dig that out and make a switch. After everything was cooking, I decided to move my spoon rest from the stove onto the counter. The spoon rest is a piece of Irish pottery that my mother brought me from Ireland; anyway, naturally I dropped it on the counter where it shattered.

It took me almost two hours to cook this thing and it used almost every dish I own. The kitchen looked like tornado had swept through. Luckily my husband stepped in about halfway through and started cleaning up for me, because I was on the verge of implosion.

The stars were not in alignment for this one...

Yes, just recently trying to make risotto with an asparagus and spinach puree. I'm sorry about the

Irish pottery, though. The rest of it doesn't matter as much, does it? Did the food escape the shards? Thank goodness for husbands who understand and help. Mine is also a great cleaner-upper and never complains when dinner is way late because it takes me longer than I think it will.

Wahhh, so sorry for your rough nite. I think it happens to all of us from time

to time....even the professionals. Hang in there Amanda...I'll bet that tetrazzini never tasted soooo good. ;o) (it's one of my comfort foods too.)

And my aren't in alignment today either....dropped a bag of

ground coffee on the floor and counter. What a mess to clean up..

So sorry you had such a miserable cooking even. Hopefully you've now had your share for a good ol' long time:)


Food was fine--huge recipe so we ate it for a week!

I'm lucky that my husband is very patient, too. Sometimes I don't plan ahead well, and he usually ends up rescuing me from some mess. smileys/smile.gif
