Experienced a different take on pommes frites


Well-known member
last night at La Fourchette in Charleston, SC.

They were fried in duck fat, and served with aoili...mamma mia!!!

The rest of the dinner was also fantastic. It's a great little bistro, and I'd recommend it to anyone dining in Charleston.


good aren't they?

I'm not big on aioli, but potatoes and duck fat are very good together - try roasting potatoes at home in duck fat, or even better goose fat!

They get crispy and golden...

It's also quite healthy

I wonder why so many of our posts this past week are about FAT? Lard,bacon,duck,porkbelly.

Too many diets going on right now, I suspect.

I still have gallons of duck fat taking up valuable refrigerator space. Any takers?

It's left over from my crazed cassoulet project 2 years ago. As long as the local gourmet supermarket sells it for a dollar an ounce, I can't bear to throw it out, but I sure could use the space.


I can't think of a way to ship it safely but surely someone in the L.A. area would like to try these pommes frites? Please? As Ang pointed out, we could be on the verge of a big anti-diet movement here.

Is that an Aussie accent already? It just amused me, all this talk of lard etc. Asparagus tonight.

I roasted Russian Fingerling potatoes last night in duck fat, mmmm!

I had no idea the fat was good for health, there goes a guilty pleasure!!! tee hee

Wish I lived in LA Joe, I have a 2 cup tub of fat from a duck I roasted last week, plus another dab from the prior duck (not friar duck!). good stuff.

I also made steak frites this weekend using Cooks Illustrated's recipe and method and they were terrific. Joe, maybe you should make up a batch of fries? The CI method takes 3 quarts of oil. whew. but terrific, let me tell you, and so were the 20 oz porterhouse steaks we served with them...

It's not that it's good for you, it's just not as bad as other fats. So you can still enjoy

a little guilt, lol.

I haven't made fries in years! Maybe that's the solution. Talk about guilty pleasures.
