Fair entries...


Well-known member

Candied okra

peach rum topping

peach butter

carrot/apple marmalade

lemon basil jelly

rhubarb jam

meyer lemon curd

strawberry preserves

lavender caramel sauce

zucchini pickles


Rhubarb crisp

biscuits (cat head)

gingerbread 9triple ginger)

sour cream poundcake

mexican zucchini chocolate bites

quince cany

peach lavender cobbler

and a decorated (edible) gingerbread house.....

I'm enchanted! How do you know when to have things ready?

I've often thought I'd like to submit a few things to our local fairs (May and August), but haven't the faintest idea how to find out about exhibition!

Daricem would you share your lemon basil jelly recipe? I just bought a lemon

basil plant at the farmer's market and I would love to try jelly with it!

Good luck with all your entries smileys/smile.gif

the local Fair office should be listed in (more)

the phonebook, look under county offices or call the clounty info phone...ask to be put on the mailing list for the premium book
Entries are usually 2 months or so BEFORE the fair date-
The entries temselves are delivered on a schedule set up i the premium (entry) book...
It's a lot of work to do the baking, etc but art, crafts, canning projects etc can be spread out over the year....

Very exciting! I just started jam'in last year, and really loved it! Family / neighbors are

spoiled. They say they can never go back to commercial brands. (I am sure alot of that is to give me a compliment, but it does taste really good! )

All the best with your entries! I look forward to hearing about the event!

