Fake Food: Many of you no doubt know most of this but there were a couple of surprises

I just found out that FL east coast folks aren't allowed to keep red snapper if they catch it. Only

commercial fishermen are allowed to catch red snapper. It's okay on the west Gulf coast. My friend said they had to put back some 18" fish or risk getting fined.

(added) Not being a person who fishes, there may be a legal "open season" for normal folks to catch red snapper.

And this is why God invented Google. Apparently, even commercial fishermen are not allowed to take red snapper out of the Florida Atlantic side:

"AA Fisheries announces red snapper will remain closed to commercial and recreational fishing in South Atlantic federal waters in 2016. Red snapper remains closed as the total number of red snapper removed from the population in 2015 exceeded the allowable catch level. "

I get whole red snapper in my local Asian market. It is the real thing, thankfully. I'm calling TJ's

...today, regarding their olive oil. It is not labeled like the article suggests for making sure it's pure.

I'm hoping they are up front with me, as I've always called them with praises when I like a product. We'll see...

