Traca, THANK YOU for this REC! I made 3 cakes last night and served them today & they were very
well received. I downed a slice myself, and it was delicious! I also made the strawberry topping, and it went SUPER with this cake. I did hold back on the ground ginger (I used 2 tsp per cake) since my crowd was made up of seniors, and I wasn't sure if 4 tsp would be overpowering along with the crystalized ginger as well as the gingerroot. The 2 tsp amount seemed fine to me. I sliced the cakes into 16 pieces, and a double recipe of the strawberry topping worked out perfectly for putting a few berries on each serving. As suggested, I also sliced & sprinkled fresh mint leaves over the top of each portion. Nice presentation. I'm so glad you recommended this recipe to us. I've been making desserts for this same group since January of this year, and this is the first time I baked something that was brand new to me. I figured that by now they trusted my dessert-making skills, and I, in turn, trust everyone here with their recipe recommendations so it was a win all the way around.