Fast Answer Please: I just parboiled a couple pots of small gold potatoes


Well-known member
that, in about 3 hours, will be smashed and baked on oiled baking sheets. Can I just keep them at room temperature until then?

I have such fears of getting people sick......

Yes, you can hold those

at room temp (but I would refrigerate if it's going to be any longer than 3 hours). Also, I would go ahead and hand crush them after they're drained and while still warm otherwise they may break up too much and not hold together if you wait to crush/flatten them after they've cooled down.

From what I have learned online, it is best to refrigerate in the water you boiled them in

then gently reheat when you want to make your recipe.

Just to clarify....assuming you are talking about the type of

"Crispy Flattened Potato" treatment (your recipe at the link) where you boil, drain, put on sheet pan then either hand crush or use a utensil to flatten slightly, then sprinkle with olive oil, salt and pepper before baking to golden brown and crispy? If so, then I believe it's okay to store them for a couple of hours at room temp. I would not store them in the water they were boiled in then attempt to crush them later -- they will likely be too soggy to work with.
