Bought black mission figs at Publix on sale. Gorgeous and delicious.
I posted in the previous thread what I was going to do
It ended up with 6C of diced figs. Added 2C sugar let macerate. Brought to a simmer to cook and liquify. Added 3TBs lime juice ('cause it's what I had). I ran my immersion blender around it a bit --still "lumpy". Added 3TBs pectin and cooked until the jell point (drops sliding off the side of a spoon coalesced--but this was so thick to begin with, that test was a little hard to see). It is an absolutely beautiful shade of dark red and with the flavor of figs and not just "sweet". I got 3 8oz. and 6 4 oz. jars.
I posted in the previous thread what I was going to do
It ended up with 6C of diced figs. Added 2C sugar let macerate. Brought to a simmer to cook and liquify. Added 3TBs lime juice ('cause it's what I had). I ran my immersion blender around it a bit --still "lumpy". Added 3TBs pectin and cooked until the jell point (drops sliding off the side of a spoon coalesced--but this was so thick to begin with, that test was a little hard to see). It is an absolutely beautiful shade of dark red and with the flavor of figs and not just "sweet". I got 3 8oz. and 6 4 oz. jars.