Finally saw "Julie & Julia". Enjoyed it immensely, but I thought Meryl Streep's portrayal of...


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...Julia was a bit over the top. My wife concurred, saying Streep seemed to be playing a "constantly tipsy" Julia Child.

Then my son played the bonus features on the DVD and I realized it was totally on purpose! Streep was portraying Julia as Julie imagined her, not as she might have been in real life.

I learned that the movie was made from Julie's book, and she and Julia Child never actually met in person. Streep was attempting to bring to life the "Julia" that Julie imagined her to be.

Very interesting.

Also, I thought the synergy between Streep and the actor playing Paul was absolutely amazing. I believed the characters really, truly LOVED each other. Very fine performances, if you ask me, and excellent casting.

My $.02.


I caught me off guard, Shaun. My wife is always very appreciative of my efforts... the cooking department, and she is generous with compliments when we sit down to eat.

She gave me a big hug toward the end of the movie and reached for my hand a number of times as the evening progressed.

I'm very blessed...

