Finding a meal service?


Well-known member
Here is the dilemma:

Mother, just had back surgery, her partner just had triple bypass - neither one can cook, literally, plus they don't like to, plus, not really diet "aware" - I need to find them a service or private chef that will deliver healthy meals to them weekly, one will eat anything, the other is super picky...

How do I find one in their area? (07093 zip) I've never had to look for something like this - any ideas???

and no... It won't be me!!!!

Oh, thanks! I was looking for "private" chef...

and came up with nothing -

will definitely look into these - they can't have any cook in their home, but delivery is the key

Thanks again!

Sandra, here is our area, most restaurants are signed up with a company called Entr

The give you menus from participating restaurants, you select what you want to eat and call them. It is delivered shortly after you call them. Seems very popular, especially for short term needs. I would think you could find something like this in your area. You might call a local restaurant and inquire.

Yes, we have Seamless Web or Grub Hub...

But where my mother lives, it's super limited choices, plus, the need is more to do with choices... neither one of them really knows how to order healthy food at a resto, my mom would just eat starch if she had the choice, and her partner, with the triple bypass would just eat spam, baked beans and ice cream.. hmmmm, wonder how he got here?!?!
