First Annual Food Bloggers Festival/SanFran with links on left to all kinds of recipes/blogs

If you are in the Bay Area, please join this new group, started yesterday,

for foodies, bloggers, etc. I joined and they are planning a happy hour on Friday, 12/4 at Del Mar on the Embarcadero at 6 pm.

There is also talk of a cookbook club!

Hope to see some friendly faces there. I've met a few people from Twitter, BlogHerFood 09 and Foodbuzz (which I had to miss due to that bug).

Ha! smileys/smile.gif I'm just amazed all the gals loving blogs haven't checked out all the links from this.

I spent 1 whole day looking through some of the links, I know it will take me at least l week to get through them all!

I was supposed to attend the conference but the flu had other plans. There are some great people

on there! I'm there as HeatherinSF but I just post my blog posts.
