Fish On! first catch yesterday. friend of DHs. this one ended up on the grill. I missed out

Ang, I passed this pic along to our Alaskan friends and DH, jealousy loves company!! LOL!

OH, and I also never thanked you for typing up the instructions to the cute travel bag. I have plenty of quilt fabric scraps and hope to get to make a couple, they are great gifts! Thank you so much smileys/smile.gif

Ang, I picked up some fresh sockeye on my way home tonight & was introduced to Spring

Salmon, pink and white. I don't think I've had either. Are you familiar with them? Are they in your neighbourhood as well and if so, how do you compare them?

I love sockeye but find coho to be a bit musty-flavoured.

Sockeye was on sale (wow the prices here are unbelievable) so at 3 times the price, I passed on the Spring.

This is all such a fun adventure for me.
