Foie Gras ban in Chicago. Any opinions or is this a touchy subject here?

I respect the opinion of those who won't eat fois gras, but I do eat it when I'm in France

As I understand it, the ducks and geese there are fattened over a longer period, treating the animals more gently and producing a superior product, while in America it's done quickly and more harshly.

I think the ban is an emotional reaction to the idea of force feeding, but birds don't have a gag reflex like we do. In my opinion, there is a much more tragic story of animal cruelty in the way the average chicken is raised in the U.S.--on a factory farm.

Instead of a ban, I would be in favor of safeguards about the way all fowl is raised, guaranteeing humane standards which just happen to produce better tasting birds.

I agree with you, Joe, on all points. I certainly don't abstain in France,,

and I feel alot guiltier ordering at KFC, or for that matter, probably most of the "suermarket" chickens as well. Think about moral outrage and animal cruelty the next time you pick up one of those 5-pound "fryers". Wasn'the/she awfully young to gain so much weight? Probably wasn't that nasty force-feeding so much as a small enclosure and designer drugs.

Not necessary, when Trader Joe's has organic free-range chickens. But you do have to cut them up.

from what i see on google, foie gras is NOT banned in the USA...

just VERY expensive.
